How to cancel my subscription:
1. Log in to your account on this website.
2. Click on your icon profile on the upper right corner. It will be the first initial of your first name with a colored circle around.
3. Click Active Packages.
4. Find the package you would like to deactivate and click the 3 dots to the right of the package.
5. Click Cancel and Yes on the next prompt.
So, you've purchased a meal plan and now you can't find the PDF. Follow the steps below to locate your PDF.
1. Log in to your account on this website.
2. Click the "CLEANSES / PLANS" tab.
3. You will now see a section that is labeled "My Communities." These are your purchased items. Click the "Access" button paired with the item you would like to view.
4. On the next page click the photo of the item provided.
5. On the next page click "Download PDF."
How do I gain access to the videos and classes offered on the website?
On the top right of the webpage of the Class Schedule, On Demand, The Core Cleanse, and Packages tabs, you will find a login button. Pressing this will prompt you to either login or sign up. It is very important that you remember your email and password for your login. We can reference the email for you, but we cannot make any edits to your password nor can we see it. Once you have created an account, head to the Packages tab. Here you will find the offers we have available. Please note, these packages vary inclusion from Monthly Zoom Classes, On Demand, and Drop-In. It does not include our various programs consisting of meal plans, cleanses, etc. Those are priced separately.
How it will work?
From now on you sign up directly through the website. There are 3 package options to choose from: Monthly Classes & On Demand, Monthly On Demand only, and Live Class Drop-in. Once you choose your package, refer to the Class Schedule tab if you are taking monthly or drop-in to sign up for classes individually. If you have purchased the On Demand only, refer to the on demand tab and select the video you would like to watch.
When does my membership renew?
The date you purchase your package, if it is a monthly package, will renew on the date of purchase. This means you can also sign up on which ever date you prefer. It does not have to be the 1st of the month.
What if I forget about a class I signed up for?
At the time of sign up, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to access the zoom class including the password, as well as what equipment to have prepared for class. Proceeding each class you have signed up for, you will receive a follow up email with the same information plus the access link that will shoot you over to zoom 45 min before the class begins.
What if I miss a class I signed up for?
All class recordings are uploaded into the On Demand library within 24 hours of the class ending barring any technical issues. The first 15 minutes of each class is filled with checking in and chit chat. To get straight to the workout, fast forward.
I am still lost, where can I find more assistance?
Shoot us over an email at with your questions and we will do our best to help resolve any issue you have in a timely manner.
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